Olea africana
- African Olive
- Wild Olive
- Indian Olive
- Olienhout (A)
- Swartolienhout (A)
- Olyfboom (A)
- mohlware (S)
- umNqumo (Z)
- umNquma (X)
- One of the world’s oldest cultivated plants, Olea Africana is classed as a subspecies of the commercial olive, Olea Europea. It is a protected species in three provinces; Northern Cape, Free state and North West. With glossy, silver to almost golden foliage and splendid, eye-catching, dark-purple fruit, and bunches of pure white, dainty flowers, it will add life and beauty to any indigenous garden. Very versatile and adaptable. A neat, decorative, hardy tree and an asset in any wildlife garden.
SA Tree
- 617
- Oleaceae (Olive family)
- Belonging to the order Lamiales, with somewhat 24 genera and 615 species.
- These plants are native to temperate, forested regions, favouring in particular tropical Asia, but can be found worldwide, except for the Arctic, and can be trees, shrubs or woody climbers.
- Members of this family are prized for either their economical or aesthetic importance.
- The most eminent member of this family, and the namesake, is undoubtedly the Olive tree (Olea europaea), valued for its fruit and oil since ancient times.
- Other members include the Ash trees (Fraxinus excelsior), and the Jasmines (Jasminum).
- Occurs in most parts of South-Africa, extending northwards towards Ethiopia.
- Most often encountered along water courses, on forest edges, in bushveld and even on rocky hillsides.
- Rough, grey to dark-grey, often covered in numerous white spots (lenticels).
- The bark occasionally peels off in long strips and the main stem will often have a gnarled, twisted appearance.
- Older branches are sometimes smooth textured.
- Dark -green, glossy above, with silvery to yellowish-green undersides and leathery texture, often covered in minute white scales.
- Leaves opposite, elliptic to oblong with a drooping habit, 7-17mm wide with sharply pointed tip and smooth margins.
- Each leaf grows for a period of about two years before being shed.
- They have fibrous edges when torn.
- Small, sweetly-scented white flowers often occurring in terminal or loose clusters during spring – summer
- (Oct – Feb).
A fleshy drupe, (10 x 8mm) ovoid, ripening to purple-black.
Usually bitter-tasting.
(Mar- Aug)
- Usually a medium-sized tree, 3-14m, occasionally reaching 18m.
- Rounded, or dome shaped, dense spread. (5-10 m)
- A tea is made from the dried leaves, which is said to help improve kidney function and alleviate urinary tract problems.
- Leaf extracts are used to treat eye infections, colic, sore throats and diarrhoea and fever, and have reputedly been used to treat malaria by indigenous peoples.
- Commonly used to lower blood pressure as it increases coronary flow.
- Juice from the ripe fruit has been used as an ink.
- The wood is strong, durable and very hard.
- Sapwood is usually pale yellow-brown, while the heartwood is beautifully reddish or golden brown with dark figuring and makes good quality furniture.
- Suitable for fence posts, (termite and borer resistant) ornaments, carving and popular in turnery.
- When burned, the wood is slightly sweet smelling and makes long-burning coals.
- Has an aggressive root system, so plant well away from buildings, pools and walls.
- The fruit is enjoyed by birds, (Louries, starlings, pigeons mouse birds and more) monkeys, mongoose, and humans.
- The flowers attract bees, butterflies and insects, while the leaves make an excellent fodder for livestock.
- An asset on game reserves and farms due to nutritious leaves and shade providing abilities.
- Perfect for parks and large gardens.
- Helps to control erosion and makes a good firebreak.
- Excellent ornamental tree and wonderful as bonsai subject.
- Resistant to drought, fire, wind and many common diseases.
- Tolerant to frost and can withstand temperatures ranging between -5 and 40 degrees Celsius.
- Once established, it is virtually indestructible.
- The wood is quite rot-resistant too.
Growth Rate
- Relatively fast growing when young (200-400mm per annum), but as it matures growth slows down.
- Can be remarkably long lived.
- Prefers full sun but will tolerate semi-shade.
Soil & Water
- Prefers a well-drained soil, with a coarser texture, such as sand. They can grow in low fertility soils and have moderate water requirements.
- Easily propagated from seed or hardwood cuttings.
- Treat cuttings with rooting hormones.
- Sow fresh seeds in river sand mixture and water well once a week.
- Young trees (usually under 5 years) respond best to pruning.